Monday, January 26, 2009

CRAZY kids!!!

So yesterday(Sunday)Audrey went home with a friend from church, well her and another friend went to ANOTHER friends house, confusing, but you get it! SOOO the girls were playing outside having fun, then they were taking a not so fun "ride" down the driveway! Okay here's what happened, the 3 girls and one girls brother decided it would be fun to play in an old van that was sitting in the driveway, this van didn't get used anymore or hadn't been used in a while. So I guess they thought it would be just fine to play in it. Welllll........ one of them was in the drivers seat and decided to pull the lever that puts the van in gear, guess what happened?! That's right, it goes out of park and starts to roll DOWN hill straight into a tree!!! Thank God it hit the tree, otherwise they would have went a lot farther and hit more trees! So Audrey hit here chin and mouth on the seat(she was not in the front) and busted her lip and her jaw is sore, other than that and being a bit shook up she is just fine. It's funny how kids can do some pretty CRAZY things!! They just don't think about what COULD happen to them!

So here is a gross picture of her lip, it looks much better today.

Here she is looking pitiful.

On another note:
Here is a wall hanging that I just "threw" together today! I used some scrap cardboard and some really cute paper I got for Christmas. The word is a rub-on I had bought a while back, but never used. I think it turned out quite nice!

The colors look much better in person, but you get the point of what it is! I hung it in my scrap area! I enjoyed making it!



Anonymous said...

I would have busted Xander's behind!! That is a crazy store, and I am thankful that the hand of God is on Audrey's life or it could have been a sad story. I can imagine she learned her lesson, though:)
I love the Imagine sign, great idea.

NewYorkerAtHeart said...

You and I think alike! I made a door hanging for the boy's room. I used a sign I bought from the Dollar Tree. I love it! Post pictures of your craft area!