Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing my new niece Franchesca!

Weighing in at 8lbs 4ozs and 20 3/4 in long! She is such a pretty baby, and I'm not just saying that because she's my niece :) she really is! Mom and dad are doing well and the little sis is doing well so far, she likes to hold and kiss "her baby"! My brother has such a cute family, it's hard to believe he has 2 girls now! I'm happy with my 1 girl, I can't imagine having 2!

Pretty girl

Samantha and her girls!

So this one I played around with on photoshop and I really like it!

I played around with this one too and it looks pretty good if you ask me!

So I went on a little trip to a little place by the name of New York last week with my bestest friend Carla and her children! I had a really good time there and can't wait to go again, hopefully next time us ladies can go with no kids! Or with the kids again, it doesn't matter to me! I had planned on posting about it and posting pictures, but the baby came along and so I may not post pics of the trip. Anyway I had fun seeing what parts of the city we did see and meeting Carla's family, I know she may not have enjoyed herself as much as me, but I'm very thankful that she asked me to go with her! Thanks friend!
Till next time-

1 comment:

NewYorkerAtHeart said...

so cute
more pictures please! You need to post some N.Y. pictures, esp the Statue one of u and A!