Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Decorating our lovely tree!!

We FINALLY got our tree this past Monday! Normally we get it a liitle over 2 weeks before Christmas, but Christmas is sneaking up on me!! So we got it just a little later this year. It's a pretty tree, not very fat, but pretty. Here are some pics to enjoy!

So there they are! As you can see we had fun with the Christmas lights, I thought they would make interesting pictures!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We actually had snow!! They said we would, but I never believe them anymore, but they were right this time! It barely stuck around till lunch, but it was here and it was pretty! I can't wait for MORE snow this winter! So here are pictures to prove we had snow, ENJOY!

Ok I know some are not turned the right way, I did try and turn them and it didn't work so I just left them! Sorry I'm just lazy today!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Best Movie Ever!! (until the next one comes out)

New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Went to see New Moon with my awesome friend Carla!! Loved it! I can't wait to see Eclipse, it comes out in June of 2010! Nothing like a good vampire/werewolf love story! I would love to have an Edward in my life right about now! I'm pretty sure I'm going to go see this movie again!

Isn't he gorgeous?!!
New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Awwww...... FALL!!

I LOVE fall!! It is my favorite time of year. I love how it starts off the holidays! I actually started listening to my elf music today, I know it's a little early, but who cares!! And now we are watching elf the movie!! The holiday season makes me feel all warm and cozy inside :) I've even started Christmas shopping early, well early for me! Normally I don't start till December, so yes I'm doing good this year! I really want to do lot's of seasonal fun stuff with Audrey this year, I'm just going to have to plan ahead. I'm not sure WHAT we're going to do, but we will do some stuff! Anyway I feel like I hadn't blogged in a while so I thought I would blog! Ta DA!!! Here are some photos to look at from the past week or so! Have a LOVELY night or day or morning or whatever!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I want to learn something new


picture found on etsy

picture found on etsy

I really want to learn how to knit! I had tried a few years ago, but decided I didn't want to do it, really I was just WAY TOO IMPATIENT! I started on a scarf and ended up putting it in a closet or something cause I didn't want to finish! So now I want to try and learn again! I don't have anything to start with, I don't even know if I still have needles! Anyway that's what I am wanting to do now!


Monday, October 12, 2009

I was a little freaked out!

Okay so I had a very unsettling thing happen to me this past Friday. I was at work as usual and someone came into the store to buy some appliances, well they had to wait around a while for someone to pick up there purchases in a trailer. As soon as the guys that were picking up pulled up and parked I knew who one of the guys were right off the bat. It was the brother of Audrey's dad! I had actually dated him and kinda cheated on him with his brother, now I know I sound like a whore and if that's what you think fine, I was young and a little dumb! Anyway.... I began to freak out a little bit, I was thinking oh my gosh what am I going to do! So I was cleaning an appliance on the row in front of the door, well they walk inside and I'm standing there finishing what I was doing. I look at them very briefly and it was him! I got my stuff and moved to the next row to clean something else. So I'm trying to stay out of sight and do my job. Then the phone rings and Peggy, who I work with, answers and is talking to someone on the phone. Guess what?! The phone rings again on the other line and usually she will ask me by name to answer the phone if she knows she can't get to it. Since I knew this I answered it right away so she would not say my name out loud! I knew if she had said my name he would know who I was! Now I did exchange looks with him very quickly, I did not want to make eye contact. While I was on the phone with this person I had to go and get a price for washer. Well I had to walk right in front of him to go get the price!! Then I had to walk back by him to the phone! I was so out of it I don't even know what I said on the phone! I was so nervous! For those of you who don't know Audrey's father doesn't have anything to do with us, for all I know he may not even know I was really pregnant! I did tell him when I found out, but I never saw him again after that, well I'd say about 2 weeks after I found out is when I left and never saw him again. So I was worried that if his brother recognized me he might go and tell him! Well it's Monday and no sign of anyone! I have not been that freaked out in a LONG time, I was shaking and if I could have left right then I would have broke down and cried! Part of me wanted to talk to him cause I did like him years ago, you could say we had something special. I knew that if I did talk to him though mine and Audrey's life would change forever and I don't think it would be good. So I kept my mouth shut and I stayed out of sight. I kinda wish he had recognized me, but it's best he didn't. I also wander if he did actually know it was me, but just didn't say anything. I have seen him a few times over the years, but he has never seen me as far as I know! He is the only one I see from that family. Now if I ever saw her father I would just lose it!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

just some pics of my girls!

This is Franchesca, so stinkin cute!
Franchesca again looking super adorable!

Penelope and Audrey outside just hanging out together.

I want to post some more pics I just have to take the time to do so, but for now here are just a few!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where did my little girl go?!!

It's amazing how much a child changes in 6 months! I mean Audrey is really looking more like a young lady instead of a little girl! It's very sad for me, I am having a more difficult time with her growing up than I thought I would! She's still my baby girl and she knows that and doesn't mind me telling her that as long as none of her friends are around! Listen to this, last week as I was walking her into school she told me I couldn't give her a kiss anymore! I was so saddened by that, but then a couple of days later she said she didn't mind anymore! Man I REALLY don't want her to not want my loving anymore, I don't know if I can take it!

These are pictures that I took today, I like them! Till next time....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I really need to keep this updated!

Well school started and it was a little rough at first, but now Audrey is doing good. She didn't have homework 3 nights in a row!! That's an awesome break from the usual 2-3 subjects a night! Ummm, I went to babysit my beautiful nieces a few nights ago! Really not much has happened in my life lately or I just can't think of anything right now. Oh yeah, we went to the TN Valley fair one night. That was fun, I rode a few rides with Audrey since she had no one to ride with. We rode one of the rides I wanted to ride and Audrey almost lost it. It was a spinny(sp?) ride that goes up in the air, not upside down or anything, just around and kinda high in the air. Well at first she was freaking out a little over the height, I didn't know she was afraid of heights, she told me, but I guess I didn't believe her. Since she has rode the roller coasters at Dollywood, but I guess things change the older you get! Then after the freak out over heights she was getting a little sick feeling, all I could think about was do not throw up on this ride, at least wait till we get neat a trash can!!! She never did vomit, thank God! After that excitement she rode what SHE wanted and I just tagged along. What else has happened...... I don't know! I'm just going to post some pictures I've taken lately! Enjoy!

So that's it for now. I would and probably should label my pictures, but I don't want to, sorry!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to school :(

I know school started 3 weeks ago, but I just now thought about posting pictures! So here they are!
At the house ready to go!
Audrey and her teacher Ms. Fowler.
My 4th grader!!

So far 4th grade has been a little stressful! Audrey had lot's of homework the first week of school, so when she would get home she would freak out a little bit as we would try to get through with homework! The second week homework eased off a bit, but she started afterschool care. Well she was excited about that at first, but then one of her friends that also go to afterschool care was not very nice to her, so I got to deal with that! This week is going much better(THANK GOD) so I guess it takes some time to get used to school again! I just have to pray harder and more often now, but that is not a bad thing!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Looking good! (or at least try to)

So recently I have decided that I need to dress a little better, more like a girl so to speak. No more jeans and t-shirts and flip flops :( I sure do love my flip flops! My awesome friend Carla has also told me that I should try and dress better(in a nice way though!) so I am trying to take her advice. I feel like all I do anymore is shop though!! I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE to shop, but now it's a little different when I go shopping cause I'm looking for clothes I wouldn't normally look at or I would look at them, but not think about trying them on! I am stepping out of my comfort zone a little bit, TRYING to step out!! So I have bought some cute clothes lately: a purple pair of skinny pants which are SO cute, a couple of plaid shirts, I totally love plaid and am so happy to see plaid in stores again, it's been a while, some leggings, last year I so wanted to wear leggings, but I was WAY too self conscious about them, I got gray, blue and black, and I also bought a really cute dress. The dress I bought I can wear with or without leggings! So enough about what I've bought now I have to WEAR them!! Till next time!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

what up!

Audrey finally had her first soccer practice tonight! This was supposed to be her third practice, but they kept getting rained out!! SO this was the first night of practice AND the first game is THIS saturday! Crazy, I know! They did add one more practice for this friday evening just so they can get to know each other better and figure out how to play as a team! Audrey really needs some practice, she has fun, but she doesn't GO for the ball. I think since this was the first time they all interacted with each other she was a little shy, so I think she will get better!

Anyway! I totally need to be a little more, well a lot more outgoing or I may never meet anyone special!! So there was a cute boy at church this past sunday and I should have said hi or how's it going or something! Guess what? I didn't, because I am what you may call an introvert, I always have been especially around boys! I can talk to the other sex after I kinda get to know them a little better. If I'm just thrown out there I tend to clam up or just try and blend into the wall or something! I have to say it is one trait about myself that I would LOVE to change! So about this cute boy, I had a crush on him when I was younger and he is still so good looking! And from what I hear he is single too! Whatever, I just couldn't make myself say hi! I mean he doesn't even really know me, so why would I just go up to him, my former crush, and say hey how's it going?! Not that he is the ONE for me or could have been the ONE for me but I blew it, I just could have practiced talking to a cute boy! OH AND I even dressed pretty Sunday! I actually had on a cute dress, which if you know me does not happen very often! Okay I think I've vented about how crazy shy I am enough! So now I have to try really really hard to climb out of my clam shell and just speak!!
So that's what is going on inside my head tonight, sorry it is a little middle schooly(is that a word?) but I do need to vent and get things off my mind sometimes!
Later tater!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing my new niece Franchesca!

Weighing in at 8lbs 4ozs and 20 3/4 in long! She is such a pretty baby, and I'm not just saying that because she's my niece :) she really is! Mom and dad are doing well and the little sis is doing well so far, she likes to hold and kiss "her baby"! My brother has such a cute family, it's hard to believe he has 2 girls now! I'm happy with my 1 girl, I can't imagine having 2!

Pretty girl

Samantha and her girls!

So this one I played around with on photoshop and I really like it!

I played around with this one too and it looks pretty good if you ask me!

So I went on a little trip to a little place by the name of New York last week with my bestest friend Carla and her children! I had a really good time there and can't wait to go again, hopefully next time us ladies can go with no kids! Or with the kids again, it doesn't matter to me! I had planned on posting about it and posting pictures, but the baby came along and so I may not post pics of the trip. Anyway I had fun seeing what parts of the city we did see and meeting Carla's family, I know she may not have enjoyed herself as much as me, but I'm very thankful that she asked me to go with her! Thanks friend!
Till next time-

Monday, June 22, 2009

Don't know what to do?!

VBS started tonight and I have nothing to do! How sad it is for me to have no idea what to do for a few hours without my lovely child! So tonight I'm going to go eat with my folks and maybe try and update my blog with pictures! I know I will at least go eat, may not get to updating the blog with lot's of pics, but I'll put a few on here. Oh yeah, I do have to shop for my baby girls birthday, it's this weekend!!!

We finally got a picture with the sign!!

Audrey and Eric in the water at metcalf bottoms.

Audrey looking kinda goofy.

Another kinda goofy picture of Audrey.

So there are a few pictures to enjoy! Post more later!